Temperature Gauges & Indicators

Modus Gauges probably stock the most complete range of temperature gauges and indicators in the UK.

Case diameters from 40mm up to 300mm in a selection of materials.
Temperatures ranges from -100 to +1000°C.
Rigid stem or capillary instruments for either direct or remote reading.
Various temperature sensing methods are available including bimetal spiral, liquid expansion or gas/mercury filled depending on the instrument selected.

    Certificate No. 1207

    Modus Gauges Limited
    Unit 4C Woodhall Business Park
    Sudbury Suffolk
    CO10 1WH
    United Kingdom

    Tel: +44 (0) 1787 882038
    Fax: +44 (0) 1787 882039
    Email: info@modusgauges.com

    VAT: GB 570443256
    Registered in England No. 2485646
    Registered Office & Trading address as shown

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