Low Pressure / Vacuum Capsule Gauges

For the measurement of gases only at low pressure or vacuum that are not highly viscous, high temperature (over 60°C) or likely to solidify/crystallize. 
Capsule gauges utilise a sensitive bellows element rather than a standard bourdon tube element enabling them to measure accurately at very low pressure or vacuum operating levels.
These gauges are designed for applications and use according to European Standard EN837-1. 

    Certificate No. 1207

    Modus Gauges Limited
    Unit 4C Woodhall Business Park
    Sudbury Suffolk
    CO10 1WH
    United Kingdom

    Tel: +44 (0) 1787 882038
    Fax: +44 (0) 1787 882039
    Email: info@modusgauges.com

    VAT: GB 570443256
    Registered in England No. 2485646
    Registered Office & Trading address as shown

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