Calibration & Certification
We have an extensive range of calibration equipment including Primary Reference Deadweight Testers, Druck Electronic Testers, Master Test Gauges and other calibrated equipment. All testing is done in a temperature controlled dedicated calibration room.
We offer one of the quickest testing and calibration turn round times for new gauges or customer supplied gauges. In some instances, depending on workload this can be same day. If turn round time is critical please contact us in advance to check.
Each gauge certified will physically be tested and issued with a unique serial number (unless gauge already has a serial number) and be permanently identified by normally engraving the back of the case or sometimes printing on the dial. A sealed Tested & Calibrated label is put on the gauge showing serial number, date calibrated and re-calibration due date (normally 12 months unless requested otherwise). A vinyl cap is fitted to protect the connection thread and prevent any test fluid leakage from contaminating packaging. Please be aware – some companies do not actually test the gauge when a standard test certificate is requested but rely on original manufacturing checks – this is not a true test certificate.
All certificates are traceable to National and International Standards or UKAS traceable is available in-house at extra cost. For full UKAS certification please phone for price.
Pressure/Vacuum Calibration & Certification
Standard Test Certificate
Vacuum or pressure up to 14,500 psi and accuracy ±1% FSD ¹ - £20.00 per gauge
Gauge is physically tested to ensure it is within accuracy and a test certificate issued ( view example )
Vacuum or pressure up to 14,500 psi and accuracy ±1% FSD ¹ - £20.00 per gauge
Gauge is physically tested to ensure it is within accuracy and a test certificate issued ( view example )
Standard Point To Point Calibration Certificate
Vacuum or pressure up to 14,500 psi and ±1% FSD ¹ - £27.50 per gauge
As above but test results at a minimum 5 points plotted on the calibration certificate ( view example )
Vacuum or pressure up to 14,500 psi and ±1% FSD ¹ - £27.50 per gauge
As above but test results at a minimum 5 points plotted on the calibration certificate ( view example )
Extra charges in addition to either a Standard Test or Standard Point To Point Calibration Certificate
Compound Range Testing (vacuum & pressure on same gauge) - £10.00 extra per gauge
More expensive as gauge has to be checked on vacuum and then pressure equipment ( view example )
High Pressure Testing (between 14,501-40,000 psi) ² - £45.00 extra per gauge
High Pressure Testing (between 40,001-60,000 psi) ² - £55.00 extra per gauge
Oil Free Testing - £15.00 extra per gauge
Higher Accuracy Testing (to ±0.50%) - £ 7.50 extra per gauge
Higher Accuracy Testing (to ±0.25%) - £12.50 extra per gauge
UKAS Traceable Certificate ² - £12.00 extra per gauge ( view example )
Full UKAS Certificate ² - P.O.A.
¹ Traceable to National & International Standards
² Only available with Point To Point Calibration Certificate
The above charges are for testing and certification only. Any re-calibration or repair costs will be advised before proceeding. For most standard gauges it is usually more economical to buy a new instrument than to repair. In many cases worn parts may not be available from the original manufacturer and the instrument will not be repairable.
Temperature Calibration & Certification
We can offer temperature testing and certification between –50°C and +600°C.
Temperature testing is a far longer process than pressure. This is due to the time taken to generate temperatures and for the equipment to cool down to measure falling temperature points on the scale. Please allow approximately seven working days.
Standard Test Certificate (20-350°C) - £49.50 per gauge
Point To Point Calibration Certificate (20-350°C) - £59.50 per gauge
-50 to +19°C Testing - £25.00 extra per gauge
351 to 600°C Testing - £25.00 extra per gauge